
IDCL’s work harnesses the power of stories to transform. To foster a more inclusive Texas, we must understand who Texans are. Texas is a state of rich and vibrant diversity, home to a wide variety of religions, cultures, ethnicities, and all manner of intersecting identities. IDCL’s storytelling projects use narratives from the mouths of Texans themselves to show the diversity of Texas. These compelling and evocative personal stories help broaden our understanding of the unique needs of the many communities in our state.

Storytelling project include:

  • Religions Texas Archive: An ongoing digital public humanities project that seeks to amplify underrepresented voices in Texas through community-based oral history.
  • Migration Narratives Project: A grant-making initiative that supported community-based narrative projects documenting and exploring experiences of migration in Texas. These projects contribute to the public understanding of immigration and refugee experiences.